Monday, June 30, 2014

Truth: A reality show between Manmade Laws and God's Word

American laws promise certain rights to every citizen. However, law books prove that man-made laws are like rubber bands—stretched until they break.

On the other hand, God says He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, as is His word. Is it any wonder that Satan fights so hard—through people—to discredit God’s recorded word in the bible?

Growing up as an African-American teenager in the 50s, the educators painted a rose colored picture of the legal rights available to every human being, especially in that discrimination was outlawed by governmental laws. Nevertheless, adulthood found me continually fighting with literally every 1960, 1970, and 1980, business, corporate, and educational system as I tried to get an education, a job, rent an apartment, etc. etc. etc. Oftentimes, it was those in a position as gatekeepers of the city, state, and federal laws, that protected the violators. The blatant disregard of man-made laws - that many businesses post on doors and walls - didn’t make sense and left me continually frustrated and angry.

Then God introduced Himself.  Almost twenty years ago, the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, or Yah, as some manuscripts call His name, rebirthed me into the life and world of His Son Jesus Christ.

The FIRST revelation at the time of rebirth was both a shock and yet has remained a foundation that has never shifted from beneath me.  He revealed FIRST that HE IS GOD exactly as it is written in Genesis 1:1 in the Bible. In that same instance, He revealed that WE are created exactly as it is written in Genesee 1:26-27.

Over the years, the study of God’s word has helped me realize that man-made laws change nothing because they cannot change people.  And, more often than not, the laws that are supposed to protect us are manned by ahhhhhh-people who don’t necessarily believe in God the Father nor Jesus His Son. 

Given that God Himself used Bible verses in the 20th century to encourage a spiritual newborn daughter with His word that was recorded almost 3,000 years ago , it is confirmation that His word is eternal in its truth and steadfastness.

After years of reading other books in trying to understand life, one book—The Bible—made sense of everything. More so, through the years, I have witnessed the truth of trusting in Jesus and His Holy Spirit as He worked miracles in my behalf in everyday life situations that were beyond my control.

Therefore, the final tally in this reality show as to truth and reliability: 

Manmade laws – 0    God’s laws – 1 to  infinite.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Broken Focus: The Cause of Death

Various events in my childhood convinced me that God did not exist. Under this ungodly mindset, I in turn negatively affected every person’s life that I touched including my own. Over the years, other people were considered non-trustworthy.  Looking back, I can now laugh because through the word of God, I realized that the problem was—gasp—me. Yet, in the midst of this blindness, God showed up and revealed His love and eternal promise to all of mankind by delivering me out of Satan’s death grip. How? An unexpected introduction of a person into my life occurred that brought me back to a church to hear the words of God. This event is explained in my book Mine, including God’s way of dealing with a former unbeliever, which is currently being considered for publication.

 Initially, hearing God’s words meant nothing to a mind that was locked in the past. Nevertheless, it was the hearing of His word that God used to bring forth a stunning revelation by His Holy Spirit. The pastor was teaching Genesis chapter one and how God had prepared everything for our needs on Earth before He created mankind.

 In the midst of the pastor’s sermon, the Holy Spirit opened my mind to the fact that YAHWEH, our God and Heavenly Father, EXISTS. And, that we, all of mankind, are His Creation exactly as it is written in Genesis 1.  In plain English, God’s Holy Spirit realigned my ‘stinkin thinkin’ as I call it.  And, He used the scriptures to confirm this revelation, thus establishing the importance of knowing His word. 

After years of being lost in thinking of this world and people from Satan’s perspective, my focus had been redirected to the right person—Jesus. Simply put, when attention on God is broken, deception becomes rational and wrong becomes right.  By turning my attention back to Him, my focus on life also changed. 

Satan’s goal from the beginning has always been to break our trust and reliance upon God and the truth of His word. He began this plot in the Garden of Eden. Ever since, we are distracted with the same lie that Satan presented to Adam and Eve. STUFF! POWER! GREED! LUST OF THE FLESH! AND, THE DESIRE FOR THINGS WE DON’T NEED. And, after Satan gets us hooked, he pulls the rug out from beneath us leaving us floundering and angry at the friend, husband, wife, etc. who failed to give us the STUFF.

Focusing on Jesus brings permanent joy, love, and peace of mind. All the rest, regardless of its glitter, comes from below and is temporary.