Monday, September 28, 2015

Guaranteed Weed Killer: The Word of God

Weeds grow where it seems impossible for anything to flourish. They sprout up through concrete that is poured on top of sand. Where everything else dies for lack of water, a weed suddenly pops its head up as though to mock your effects to kill them. Poison is sprayed on lawns, driveways, and gardens, year after year. But, sometimes in weeks, there they are again. Weeds are a centuries old problem.  

On the other hand, garden/farm crops need constant care, such as ground cultivation, fertilization, continuous watering, along with the pulling up of weeds. Some even require netting and wire to be placed around them to keep birds and animals away especially when the plants are young and tender.  

Ungodly thoughts are like the runaway weeds. Worse, they in turn lead to ungodly deeds. All come from Satan’s influence, Ephesians 2: 1-3. And, the roots of these ungodly thoughts dig deep until they become habit. A person no longer has to think about sinning—it just seems to automatically happen, Proverbs 23:7 


Satan knows the condition of the soil in which he sows his doctrine. Just as our heavenly Father gave the eternal doctrine of teaching children throughout the day about him, Satan imitates God, with one exception. Satan plants his ungodly doctrine in children through abuse, neglect, sexual assaults, etc.  

Spiritually following and obeying Jesus takes commitment and time because true love is like the crops that need constant attention. It has to be a goal of dedication. The fertilizer is the Word of God. And, it is the greatest weed killer of all times.  

How does it work?  

A continual daily dose of the word of God gradually fills the reader with the knowledge that God's creation—us—are so loved by our heavenly Father and His son Jesus, our lord and savior, that it infuses true love for God and His Son into every fiber of the reader’s soul. Better yet, Satan’s ungodly seeds are unable to thrive in the divine dug-up ground of love.  

The Bible says believers must be careful about hidden roots of bitterness, Hebrews 12:15. In addition, throughout the old and new testament, the Bible cautions believers about lack of diligence, especially in studying the word of God, which can result in turning away from God, Deuteronomy 29:18; Hebrews 3:11-12.  

Jesus said God's word is our spiritual food, Matthew 4:4. Thus, a daily dose of the word of God is better than an apple a day. It is the guaranteed weed killer of ungodly behavior.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Love Connection - Whose on second-part 2

How many people can boast that they got pregnant in order to raise a godly child, Malachi 2:15? To the contrary, blogs, TV shows, news media, and more, show that women admit that they had children to get a man, keep a man, save a man, etc. On top of that, children are now being bartered like merchandise in order to make something look normal that is not according to God’s word.

Where in all of this is the love of God? And, why are we surprised when that child goes astray?

In Matthew 6, 10, and 12, Jesus teaches the disciples that they/ thus God’s creation is worth more than sheep, birds, and flowers in the field. More so, Jesus states that He says nothing that the father has not said, John 8:28. Thus, His words about loving ourselves in Matthew 22:37-38 are repeating God’s words that He spoke in Leviticus 16:18.

The lack of this love of self has consequences. Most often, the children pay the price.

If the child does not end up in a mental institution, or prison, they exhibit their hurt and pain around the world via movie theater shootings, random drive-by shootings, murders on military bases, robberies, and worse.

Nevertheless, regardless of their actions, each individual started life as someone’s child. What happened?

Today, blog sites often reveal raw emotions of pain and hurt. Men complain about their women. Women complain about their men.

There is a question that demands to be asked. PRIOR TO THE RELATIONSHIP, was the prospective partner asked: How is your relationship with your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, etc? Most importantly, “Do you believe in Jesus?”

I am not talking about LIP SERVICE. Actions still speak louder than words.

Why are these questions important? Because the Bible actually tells a man how he is to treat his ‘wife.’ Scripture also reveals how a ‘wife’ should treat her husband. And, God says that marriage protects the child, 1 Corinthians 7: 10-14, but in particular verse 14.

When a child experiences the lack of love from a parent, how can they believe that a God that they cannot see loves them when the human in their life does not love them?

I am not talking about giving a child stuff. Things can never replace true love. A child NEEDS to feel that the parent truly believes that they are a gift of love in that parent’s life. Strangely, or perhaps not so strange, children can sense when they are not loved in this manner. And, they act out that disillusionment with pain and anger.

One woman took prayer out of schools. But, God NEVER said it is the responsibility of “schools” to teach children about Him, Deuteronomy 4:10; 6:7; 11:19; and 31:19.

The two commandments that Jesus gave the disciples are mind boggling in their simplicity.

37 - Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.    38 This is the first and great commandment.   39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (KJV)

These two commandments only work when we understand that we are on second in the greatest command of all.

It is the ultimate love connection.