Nevertheless, through the influence of Satan—starting with Eve in the
Garden of Eden—women have come to look upon God’s wondrous mastery of our
creation as a mistake. Or, that God did not know what He was doing.
The problem is not with God. It is with us.
Women are not a mistake. But, because many women do NOT understand who they
are in God’s eyes, nor the importance of
our ordained position, we try to be everything else except what God purposed.
In Genesis 1, God FIRST said
what each created object would “do” THEN He saw the fulfillment of what He
said. For instance, in verses 14-15, He spoke about the “purpose” of lights in the
heavens, the sun, the moon, and the stars, and how they would give us light
during both the day and night. In verses 16-18, He made them and set them in
the heavens. Today, is not everything that God said still in place and
functioning exactly as He said?
Food for thought Helpmeets: in every instance where God created
something for a purpose, He put the necessary ingredients into that creation so
that it would eternally achieve its anointed
purpose. Thus, when God said He made the woman to be a help-meet, did He not
also give us the power, thus the authority, to do so?
We are powerful BECAUSE GOD MADE US POWERFUL. But, when we don’t know
who we are, we misuse and abuse that power. Satan knows this truth, thus his
continuous attacks on women. When abuse, rape, molestation fail to destroy us,
he puts it into our minds that ‘we need to be like men in order to be powerful.’ And so goes the tricks of God’s
Everyone is devastated over yet again a school becoming a killing-field. And, everyone is asking
what to do?
Jesus teaches the disciples about the power of unified prayer in Matthew
18:19-20, and the “promise” that comes with doing it His way. He said where
two or more are gathered together in His name, He is in the midst, and that
whatsoever they “agree” upon, it shall be done.
OOPS. Could that be the problem? Today, Jesus seems to come in 31
flavors. Women of God, Faith in Jesus is
not like Burger King. We cannot have it our way.
Today, hundreds of thousands of women are posting cute God posters on
the internet. But, are you praying over your children before they leave out of
the house? Are you praying “with them” at night before they go to bed?
One woman took prayer out of schools due to her determined dedication
to achieve this ungodly goal. It is a sad commendation that the women of the
world understand their power in contrast to God’s called women, Luke 16:18. Nothing has changed since
God spoke this word by Luke. School shootings, molestations at school, etc.,
prove that when this woman coerced and manipulated the government into removing
God out of the schools, Satan moved in full-time.
Now, instead of teaching children to learn the ABCs of education at
school, parents and grandparents have to drill the concept of molesters,
predators, and killers, into the minds of the children. Worse, now children are killing children. Now,
we cannot send them to college or movies and expect them to come home safely.
Food for thought: God’s called help-meets,
start speaking life over the children. Praise God in their hearing in the
morning, noon, and night time? Remember,
the Word of God is a protective covering.
Jesus NEVER said or DID anything that our God and heavenly Father did
not say or do, John 5, 8.
Helpmeets, we also MUST come together in one accord, in spirit AND PRAYING only what Jesus and the Father said. Then, we can rest and watch God work.